6 Tips for Getting an Amazing Haircut Every Time
French women have that “I just tumbled out of bed and I look this good” look, and what that comes down to is a great haircut.
French Makeup – Less is More
While French women are known for taking the time to pamper their skin to keep it healthy and beautiful, they also are known for minimal makeup and un-fussy hair.
Skin Deep Beauty
You will never see a French woman in one of those drastic “before makeup/after makeup” slideshows. She accepts and is comfortable with her own face.
Basic French Style
What is it about French fashion that makes it so appealing and, well, French? I would sum it up in two words – confidence and class.
Discovering Your Personal Style
Do you have your own personal style, or does your closet look like Sybil (you know, the girl who was famous for supposedly having 13 distinctly different personalities)?
Acquiring the French Wardrobe
The French woman is not known for her massive wardrobe – in fact the opposite is true. Because she knows what looks right on her, she doesn’t need to buy the 80% of items that we have in our closets and never wear.
La Maison
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Your January Challenge Week 3 – Move It!
Here’s the next challenge … MOVE IT! (You had to have seen that one coming.)
Your January Challenge, Week 2 — Cleaning Up Your Act
When we talk about “processed food,” however, we’re really talking about highly processed food or ultra-processed food – food that has been altered, sometimes drastically, to preserve or change the characteristic of food.
Your January Challenge — It’s All About YOU
Very often, New Year’s resolutions involve losing weight or improving fitness. We buy health equipment, gym memberships and diet books, only to have our hopes fizzle with the first cupcake. But it doesn’t have to be that way.
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There’s More France Outside of Paris
I try to make it to Paris at least once a year, because I feel it’s my duty … to keep my readers informed (yes my tongue is in my cheek).
Paris in a Handbag
The art of traveling to Paris with a minimalist wardrobe is more doable than it sounds.
Packing for Paris – or Anywhere
In just a few weeks I leave for my yearly sabbatical to France. I used to be a delayed gratification girl – you know, celebrate after the journey is done and the war’s been won (rah, rah). I waited to go to Paris for years as the prize for some unnamed accomplishment....